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MTD 49V7543M953 2-Cycle Motor Oil Premium 550035261/3857 2-Cycle Outboard Motor Oil OIL 2-CYCLE MARNE SYN BLND 1QT
40:1 ratio. For MTD, troy-bilt, McCulloch, huskee, bolens, yard machines,yard-man and gold. Pennzoil? Premium outboard and multi-purpose two-cycle engine oil is a high performance engine oil that meets or exceeds the warranty requirements of all leading manufacturers of two-cycle products including chain saws, lawn mowers, motorcycles and string trimmers, as well as outboard engines made by Johnson/Evinrude, mercury marine, Yamaha, Suzuki, Nissan, force/us marine, mariner, sears and other manufacturers. Lucas synthetic blend two-cycle marine oil has been specifically formulated to address the performance requirements of water cooled two-cycle outboards and personal watercraft. Our product is fortified with our unique Lucas additive chemistry and an ashless detergent inhibitor package to minimize spark plug fouling, pre-ignition and ring sticking. Mix ratio is 50:1 and is recommended for use in pre-mix or direct injection systems.
OIL ENGINE SYN 2-CYCLE 2.6OZ  Itasca 702275 2-Cycle Utility Motor Oil FULL-SYNTHETIC 2-CYC OIL 2.6OZ
Mag 1 full synthetic universal 2-cycle oil is formulated for great engine protection and low smoke with 100% pure full synthetic base oil and high-performance additives. Designed for use in high-performance air-cooled 2-cycle engines such as lawn mowers, string trimmers and chain saws. Small engines have evolved dramatically, requiring highly specialized fluids for unique applications. One brand has evolved right alongside - Mag 1. Only the most advanced oil meets the difficult challenges of effectively balancing performance, strength and durability. This product for 50:1 ratio engines only. Designed to meet the high performance requirements of severe duty air cooled two-stroke-cycle engines. Recommended for all two-cycle air cooled motors and may be used in such equipment as snowmobiles, motorcycles, chain saws and lawnmowers where specified. VP two-stroke oil is the excellent full synthetic two-cycle oil on the market for small engines. It provides industry-leading performance, includes a high-detergency formula and is JASO FD certified. It affords great protection for outdoor power equipment. Our small engine lubricant is ideal for owners who prefer to handle their own 40:1 oil or 50:1 oil mix with gas. Another key point is that our synthetic two-stroke oil protects internal engine components from excessive wear. What's more, it reduces carbon build up, cleans piston rings and makes for easier starts and low smoke. It includes both advanced fuel stabilizers and a metal deactivator. As a result, you get protection from the corrosive properties of ethanol, which is damaging to small engines. Lastly, VP makes a technologically advanced line of high-octane ethanol-free small engines fuels that are engineered from higher-grade base stocks. Our two-cycle and four-cycle SEF's are ethanol-free and designed specifically for hard-working, high-RPM small engines.
Mag 1 universal 2-cycle oil is formulated as a basic, conventional oil. Designed for use in air-cooled 2-cycle engines such as lawn mowers, string trimmers and chain saws. Small engines have evolved dramatically, requiring highly specialized fluids for unique applications. One brand has evolved right alongside - Mag 1. Only the most advanced oil meets the difficult challenges of effectively balancing performance, strength and durability. We created this two-cycle oil after four years of development. The result is a full-synthetic two-cycle engine oil that delivers both maximum performance as well as superior protection for outdoor power equipment. Our small engine lubricant is perfect for owners who prefer to handle their own 40:1 oil or 50:1 oil mix with gas. Another key point is that our synthetic two-stroke oil protects internal engine components from excessive wear. What's more, it reduces carbon build-up, cleans piston rings and makes for easier starts and low smoke. Furthermore, we design it with both advanced fuel stabilizers and a metal deactivator. As a result, you get protection from the corrosive properties of ethanol, which is an oxygenate that is added to pump gas. Lastly, VP makes a technologically advanced line of high-octane ethanol-free small engines fuels that are engineered from higher-grade base stocks. Our two-cycle and four-cycle SEF's are ethanol-free and designed specifically for hard-working, high-RPM small engines. Valvoline? 2-stroke outboard marine oil is a superior quality 2-stroke lubricant specifically designed for water-cooled, high-revving engines with pre-mix or injection systems. Premium base stocks are blended with a modern ashless detergent additive package to provide fortification for maximum performance in outboard engines.
Marine Plus 550022757/5073655 2-Cycle Outboard Engine Oil OIL OUTBRD ENG MARNE TCW3 1GAL Lucas Oil Products 10058 Semi-Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil
Pennzoil? Marine? Premium Plus two-cycle synthetic blend oil is specially designed for exceptional performance in marine applications. It's formulated with an extra level of performance additives to protect outboard engines under the most severe operating conditions. Valvoline? 2-stroke outboard marine oil is a superior quality 2-stroke lubricant specifically designed for water-cooled, high-revving engines with pre-mix or injection systems. Premium base stocks are blended with a modern ashless detergent additive package to provide fortification for maximum performance in outboard engines. Lucas high performance semi synthetic two-cycle oil has been specifically developed to give a long trouble-free life to gasoline-powered two-cycle engines. Designed for any oil injection system or pre mix up to 50:1. Use in snowmobiles, weed eaters, leaf blowers, chain saws and more. Lucas high performance semi synthetic two-cycle oil uses an advanced "smokeless" formula specially blended from mineral oil, synthetic oil and a low ash additive package containing fortified dispersant inhibitors. It also contains exclusive detergents and lubricants. The end result of this advanced technology is a more thorough burning of the fuel resulting in more power and fewer emissions.
Quaker State? universal 2-cycle engine oil for air cooled engines is a premium formulation blended from high viscosity index, paraffin base stocks. This oil is fortified with low ash-forming detergency additives, extreme pressure anti-wear components, a pour depressant and a coupling agent to enhance oil-gasoline mixtures. Designed for use in hot running, air-cooled engines such as chainsaws, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, string trimmers and 2-cycle edgers, snowmobiles and some two-stroke motorcycles, it can be mixed at any ratio up to 1 gal of gasoline at popular 40:1 mix ratio. Quaker State? universal 2-cycle engine oil for air cooled engines can be used with oxygenated/gasohol fuels and current 87 octane rated gasolines. High flash solvents meet NFPA Class IIIB standards for easy warehouse storage. Meets current JASO standards FA and FB and exceeds API service level TC. MTD Motor Oil, 2-Cycle, Net Content: 3.2 oz
Only One? is a two-cycle engine oil that's easy to use. This is a universal mix product, meaning no more confusing gas-to-oil mixtures.